Jaxon's Backstory
In loving memory of
Jaxon James McCann

My arms are empty and my heart will forever ache. There is no pain like the pain of losing your baby, the longing to hold them again and kiss their little button nose. To smell again their beautiful smell, to watch them grow and fill your world with sunshine. I’ll never hear the pitter patter of his perfect feet, the sound of his laughter playing with his brothers and sister or gaze in to his sparkling eyes. I knew him before I knew his name and I loved him before I saw his face. He will always be my forever young baby boy.
Throughout my pregnancy we faced so many obstacles from a huge hemorrhage which lasted 4months, low Papp-a hormone level, placenta previa, cervical length and growth scans, interuterine growth restrictions which lead to his small bladder and being put on aspirin everyday to improve blood flow restrictions. The final blow was reversed blood flow on the umbilical cord which starved my boy and lead to his death.
Jaxon James McCann was born on the 4th February 2020 at 7.26am. He was everything and more we had imagined. I will never forget the feeling of truly being broken hearted, standing in the hospital and watching happy parents taking their bundle of joy off to start a life they had been imagining for the past 40 weeks. I will never forget having to leave my boy for the last time, scared I would forget his smell or how he felt in my arms. I’m learning that I am a different person now, Jaxon has taught me so much in such a short amount of time.
I am blessed that I had you all to myself and have comfort knowing you fell asleep only hearing and feeling the love from my beating heart.
Love you always Mummy and Daddy xxx